In-Game Help for New Players


Help on the forums is all well and good, but sometimes, as a new player, you need help in-game with your various questions. Maybe you're scared to get started all on your own, on a brand-new server with a brand-new game. Or maybe you're just lost and need an experienced hand to guide you in the right direction, so you don't get off on the wrong foot.

That's where this thread comes in! It's a list of wow gold --players just like you or me--who are willing to become mentors to new players. They'll get you started if you're brand-new, and answer questions as you are learning your way through the game. You may even make new friends!

Before you choose a potential mentor, read on for some helpful hints about how to make your experience a successful one!


- ***IMPORTANT***: Please DO NOT post in this thread saying you need help! You're very unlikely to get a response. The point of this thread is to provide you with a resource so that YOU can seek out the help you need. Just pick a volunteer from the list, and take the initiative to whisper them asking for help!
- To use this thread, check and see if someone from your faction/server is on the list already. If not, decide what server you'd like to play on based on the available volunteers and roll your character on the corresponding faction. Next, add the volunteer to your friends list. Then, you can see when they get online and you can whisper them! You can also mail them via the mailbox if they are not online.
- Be sure to identify yourself when you whisper a person. Mention this thread. Some veteran players will be wary of random whispers, as they could be gold sellers or annoying trolls, and might ignore you otherwise. Also keep in mind that a player might be busy, so they might miss your whisper the first time around. Remember, don't spam or harass them. :P
- Don't beg or act entitled to bags, gold, dungeon runs, etc. No trying to take advantage of a volunteer's generosity! No one on this list is obligated to give you items or do you favors.
- Ask for favors or advice politely, and always say thank you! We love to help people who are polite, friendly, and willing to learn.
- If the volunteer you choose to look up doesn't ever get online, or ends up not being as helpful as you hoped, please don't be discouraged! Not everyone is going to be equally as helpful; you can either try again with another volunteer, or chalk it up to a learning experience.
- If any of the characters on this list seem to not exist anymore, please make a post here saying so and I will remove them from the list.


- Be patient and treat the newbies well. No one wants to roll on your server, have you talk to them for a few days, and then get bored with them, ignoring their whispers. That's not very helpful at all.
- If you want to be a volunteer and be on the list, please list a maximum of five characters per faction per server. (Basically, up to five Alliance and five Horde characters per server, for as many servers as you like!)
- If you tire of the responsibility of being helpful to new players, or are going to quit the game, please post if you want your name removed from the list. If you plan on doing a change to a character on this list (server transfers, name/faction change, etc.) it would be great if you could also post to let us know.

If you want to be a volunteer, just post here with your character(s), faction, and server, and I'll add your name to the list.

You're also encouraged to post about your experiences. If they have been positive, we'd love to know! If they've been not so positive, that's good to know too. Please no bashing of other players, though.


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